- This event has passed.
2019-11-18 - 2019-11-20
The focus of 2019’s capacity building workshop & expert meeting was: “Invasive species on nut trees and their management”. The opening of the workshop was delivered by Mr Yalcin Akin, Regional Director, Bursa Regional Directorate of Forestry; Ms Shiroma Sathyapala (REU) and Mr Ferenc Lakatos (REUFIS network secretary).
The threats and future challenges were demonstrated by the keynote lectures given by Mr Simone Propero, WSL Switzerland. Invited speakers from Turkey gave a valuable insight into the current forest health situation of nut trees in Turkey. Prof. Selma Ülgentürk (Ankara University), Mr Kahraman Ipekdal (Ahi Evran University) and Ms Secil Akilli Simsek (Cankiri Karatekin Univeristy) focused on the example of chestnut tree pests and pathogens (chestnut blight, gall wasp, Phytophthora, etc.) but also on other invasive pests (e.g. stinkbugs, walnut twig beetle) and diseases (ink disease).
REUFIS Meeting – Preliminary program | ||
18-20 November 2019 | ||
18-Nov | Monday – Arrival of participants | |
19-Nov | Tuesday – Invasive species on nut trees and their management (with chestnut as an example) | |
9:00 | Welcome and opening
– Yalcin Akin, Regional Director, Bursa Regional Directorate of Forestry – Shiroma Sathyapala, FAO REU – Ferenc Lakatos, REUFIS |
– Ferenc Lakatos (REUFIS): Nut trees in the REU region Keynote lecture: – Simone Prospero (WSL, CH): Chestnut blight: A devastating invasive pathogen with management and control possibilities |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break | |
Keynote lectures:
– Selma Ülgentürk (Prof., Ankara University, TR): Invasive pests on walnut and hazelnut – Kahraman Ipekdal (Dr., Ahi Evran University, TR): Chestnut gall wasp – Dryocosmus kuriphilus and its natural enemies – Secil Akilli Simsek (Ass. Prof., Cankiri Karatekin University, TR): Control and management of Phytophthora on chestnut (and other nut) trees Questions and answers |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30 | Management of invasive species on nut trees
· Giorgi Mamadashvili (GE): Current situation with chestnut blight and forest management activities in Zestafoni municipality (00:20) · Muzaffar Latipov (UZ): Current invasive species problems of nut trees in the Central-Asian region · Other participants from the partner countries |
14:30-15:00 | Coffee break | |
15:00 | Current situation in the partner countries – group discussion
· Nut tree pest and diseases in the member countries (based on the geographic regions) · Management of invasive species |
17:00 | Closing | |
18:00-21:00 | Dinner | |
20-Nov | Wednesday – REUFIS meeting | |
9:00 | Opening | |
REUFIS activities (Ferenc Lakatos and members)
· Ferenc Lakatos: Website · Ferenc Lakatos & Bjorn Okland: Regional Assessment (Enquiry, responses, booklet, feedback, …) · Shiroma Sathyapala & Ferenc Lakatos: REUFIS activities 2020-2021 · Discussion and conclusion |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch break | |
13:00 | Departure for the field trip | |
Yeniköy Forest Area – Chestnut forest with chestnut blight and sanitation | ||
19:00 | Arrival back to Bursa | |
21-Nov | Thursday – Departure of participants |